Thursday 21 October 2010

Pictures from the weekend

Well, here are some pictures of our journey to the North Sea on Sunday!

 Well, this isn't of the North Sea, but it is of my burger I had at a Flemmish McDonalds.  It was delicious.  They called it the CBO (Chicken, Bacon and Onions) I called it good.
We went to a natural reserve that had lots of birds.  Here are the storks.

Then we saw a raptor.

Kidding, it was an owl.

If you look closely, you can see his dinner!

Look at me I'm touching the North Sea!

And finally, I'm labeled, just in case you weren't sure I was there.

Well.  Today is Thursday and we have been going to museums every Thursday because they have a program in Brussels called "Nocturnes" which is every Thursday night, and they're usually discounted or free admission.  They have different museums open every Thursday and it's really a good program.  I implore you to click on the link above, or here to check it out!  Here is what we've done so far:

October 7, Jean Massart Botanical Garden (Université libre de Bruxelles Museums)

October 14, Schaerbeek Museum of Beer

October 21 (today), I forget, but I'll tell you later when I update!

The first night was okay, it was all in very scientific French so I didn't understand most of it, but the grounds were nice and it was nice to go for a walk around them.

The beer museum was very interesting!  There were bottles and bottles lined up on the walls and it reminded me of my relative Harry's house - he has lots of bottles too, I think he would have just loved it there!

Today on the agenda - do some laundry, then go to the Halloween store (They just got Halloween here, so I have to educate them on the traditions and what not)... I will practice cello, and piano.

Then I'm not sure what I'll do.  There are some things I still really want to take pictures of.  There are 2 pieces of the Berlin Wall in Brussels, and I always see them when I go on the 95 bus.  It is interesting.  Right what else... I think that's all for now.  I haven't been called in yet for a day of substitute teaching.  I'm very much looking forward to next Friday when I'll be able to teach 3 music classes.  They are all instrumental and band classes which is my cup of tea!  It's just like someone fashioned a job that was made for me.

Ok.  I'm starting to wonder if all of the grey skies and gloomy weather people complain about here is codswallop or not, as it's again very sunny and the only clouds in the sky are the contrails left from planes that have gone by.  Actually yesterday it poured rain and I had to carry a very heavy / awkward item back from Ikea.  I was a sad sad man by the time I got home.

Alright, time to get my day started!  The laundry is the washing machine, so I will stick around here for a bit and then head out.  Bye now!  Hope everyone is doing well!

1 comment:

  1. To describe anything as "your cup of tea" would be better suited as "your brand of beer." Does the washing machine dry the clothes too like in Korea?? I wouldn't think you should be so lucky a second time.
    Your pics are really cool. Can you tell me what part of Holland you could see from the North Sea?


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