Saturday 16 October 2010

Next set of pictures...

K, continuing from my last post... here are some more pictures of after I left the Palace of Justice.

Another WW monument

The Royal Conservatory!!  Very exciting...

A garden / church.  Nice picture opportunities here

This garden is called the "Garden of Sculptures"

We've all tried to get that one spot on our backs we just can't reach.

"... I KNEW I shouldn't have looked at that basilisk!"

Very strange and confusing statues... / sculptures... / whatever you'd call them.  There are 3 upside-down ones in total

This is the building in which the Musical Instrument Museum is found.  That will be my next excursion.

The Royal Palace.  When the King is in town, the flag is up.

Across from the Royal Palace is Brussels Park - a very big park that's nice to wander around in.

Those were my adventures yesterday.  Like I said, today we're going to the Palace of Justice again because there are guided tours.  (They will probably be in French, but at least I'll be able to go around in a group and see cool things rather than wander aimlessly through the building).

Tomorrow we're going with Annick somewhere in Belgium.  If the weather cooperates, we'll be going to the coast of the North Sea.  We were going to go to the Menin Gate to see the last post ceremony, but we have to return to Brussels before that happens, so we'll save that trip for another day.

Alright, that's all for now.  I charged up my camera after the battery died yesterday (so sad), so I'll be taking lots of pictures as usual!  Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!  Bye!


  1. Thanks for the great pictures,enjoy.

  2. Ian: These are great pictures. Don't you just love Europe!!!! What an experience!


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