Saturday 9 October 2010

Thanksgiving weekend

Well, the rest of my birthday was much more of a success than the beginning of the day!  We had some people come over, and all of the roommates were able to join too.  We were going to go out, but by the time dinner was finished (we had crepes made from scratch!!) it was too late, so we just decided to stay in, drink, and be merry.  Merry we were.  Anyway, I took pictures which I haven't loaded on to my computer yet, but when I do I'll load them up here.

So.  2 of the people who came brought a very nice cake - it had several layers and looked very fancy.  They sang to me (Joyeux anniversaire!) in the tune of the happy birthday song.  Here's the thing.  Apparently they say joyeux anniversaire in other countries!  In Canada we sing bonne fête à toi, which is apparently very old fashioned, but hey... that's Canadian french for you!

Now it's thanksgiving weekend at home and I trust that everyone will be eating lots of turkey!  For me, I think I could go for a nice McDonalds meal right now... actually what I really want is poutine!!!!  oh dear, my computer's automatic spell check thing just underlined poutine.  I suppose it's an American program!  lol.

Today the sky is bright blue and sunny.  It's a very nice thing to see.  It has been sunny only a few days since I've been here.  Anyway, this morning I went downstairs and had a coffee with Natacha.  While doing that, I watched French 90210 which was fun... I understood only a little bit though.  It's the old 90210 but dubbed over with French speaking people.

Now I'm hungry. ... what to have.  Je ne sais pas.

Alright, thank you all for your birthday wishes and e-mails, they were all very nice.  I don't feel much older than the same time yesterday.  Last year I felt older when I hit 25.  Now that I'm 26 I don't feel much different.  My 25th was in Korea... 26th in Belgium... I wonder what's next!

1 comment:

  1. Might I suggest 27 in CANADA? Just for a change.



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