Those of you who read my blog about Korea ("Ian Kivell - Adventures in Korea") will know that I am no stranger to countdowns. In fact, out of 139 posts on that blog, I'm sure more than half of them had a countdown mentioned in there somewhere.
The subject of this update - 35 days - is in reference to the fact that in just 5 weeks, my parents are visiting!! Then, after that my sister Melissa will be visiting approximately 17 days later! (It's approximate because the flight hasn't been booked and the dates are donning a status of tentativeness at the moment).
So those are my current countdowns. It's quite exciting to imagine that I'll be showing my parents around the city (they've visited Belgium, but haven't been to Brussels) to show them where I have been living. I'm also very excited for Melissa because she has never been to Europe.
Going downtown today, bringing the camera. I'm sure I'll find something to photograph. The weather has been getting nicer and nicer - the skies bluer and bluer. The trees are starting to come back to life. It will all make for a much greener Brussels!
Right, well I will shower now and get ready for my day. oh! I got a new program for learning French! It's called Tell Me More. Since my Rosetta Stone program finished, I found myself kind of at a stand still in terms of learning. I decided to get this new program and I think it will be good. I tried it yesterday, but my computer's built in microphone isn't too great, so I borrowed a very high tech one and that should do the trick.
Ok. Now I'm going! Have a magnificent week!
Love the countdown. I didn't realize myself how soon it will be.