Friday 25 March 2011

Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Days 2 & 3

So the last 2 days have been just as great as the first!  Yesterday, I went back to the city centre (which is pedestrian only I should mention).  I ended up on a boat tour which was quite nice.  Actually, it was about 1.5 hours long, and only about 30 minutes of it showed nice buildings and things, the rest of it was just industrial things and dumps which wasn't really pleasant, but it was relaxing to be on the water.  I should also mention that it was 19°C all day!  What a treat!  Afterwards, I met up with Alex and we went to this bar that was on a boat!  Here are pictures from yesterday!

You can see the cathedral in the background

This is the European Parliament in Strasbourg

 Region known as "Petit France" in Strasbourg

 The wine bar!

Then came today.  We had another great day.  Even the weather has been so good - I haven't seen so much sun in months!  So I started off the day by going back to the cathedral.  I decided to go up the steps and take in the view.  I got about 30 feet in the air before I stopped and went back down.  I couldn't do it.  I sat down for a bit and regained my composure and went back in.  I explained to the lady that I have a crippling fear of heights and I'd like to try it again one more time.  She was very kind and let me go back in for another try.  The second time I got up pretty high, but not all the way.  I just couldn't do it.  Just thinking about it now is making me feel sick.  It was terrible.  Oh well.  I met Alex after she finished work, and we left and headed for the castle.  We visited the Koenigsbourg Castle, which is a really big castle.  Took pictures.  Then we went back down the mountain and went along the wine route.  There are vineyards ALL over the place there.  We decided to go for a dégustation (tasting) where we had little samples of a few kinds of wine.  The lady explained all about the wines and how they're made.  In the end, Alex bought 8 bottles and I bought nothing, because I'm poor.  Here are pictures from today!

At the top of the mountain with the castle!

Going to taste some wine!

It was sooooo fun and sooooo French!

 Then we went to a little little town called Riquewihr in the middle of a vineyard field.  It was very charming!  Looked like something from a story book!

The sign says that this road is called the "5th of December, 1944 St."  Underneath the name of the street it explains that that is the date they were liberated.

Tomorrow it's time to go back to Belgium to Brussels.  I think we'll swing by Germany before we head back though, just to be able to say that I've been there.  (I was in the airport in 2006 and underneath the country in a salt mine, but I don't know if those things count).

That's that!  Bye!

1 comment:

  1. These are FABULOUS pictures and I can't wait to get there. We went to Riquewihr when we went along the wine route. Dad can show you a picture!!
    I love the last picture. So much history and beautiful buildings there. Good thing the town wasn't bombed out. It's nice they acknowedge the liberation. I am soooo glad you got to Alsace. It's heaven on earth....


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