Wednesday 9 March 2011


Hello!  I have had some questions about commenting, so I thought I would just quickly put a post up about that.  If you wish to comment, follow these steps!

At the bottom of each post, there will be a section that looks like this.  Click where is says (#) comments.

Once you've clicked that, this screen will come up.  You can type your comment in the box.

After you've typed your comment, click the drop down menu next to "Comment as:" and choose Name/URL.  (If you have any of the listed accounts you can use it too! but if not, just use Name/URL).

After you click Name/URL this box will come up.  Type your name in the box, and leave the URL part blank.  Then, click continue.

Lastly, check to see your comment is ok in the comment box, and your name is now where it says "Comment as:".  Once you're ready, hit the 'Post Comment' button!

It won't show up right away, because it goes to my e-mail first and I have to approve it.  Also, I have heard that it might take a few tries, so keep trying "Post comment" until it says "your comment will be posted once it is validated" or something like that.

Thanks, try it out!

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