Tuesday 29 March 2011


Well, being famous has been fun.  I was 'on set' today from 8am - 5pm.  We had free breakfast and a catered lunch (then I took some extra food at the end for dinner!)  The commercial was for Kinder, like the chocolate people.  Their most popular one, in Canada at least, would probably be Kinder Surprise with the little toy inside.  I think the commercial will be on in around 3 weeks, but on French T.V.  There were about 9 cars in the commercial driven by extras.  They are all Belgian so they have Belgian license plates.  The commercial people covered them up with French ones, so that is why I assume it was a French production.

Anyway, my task was to walk across the street.  It was easy.  Then in the afternoon I had to walk down a sidewalk.  It was tedious and boring, but it was also quite fun at the same time.  Something about the guy yelling "3, 2, 1 - ACTION!" Made me feel like a celebrity!

Here are a few pictures!

That's the stoplight I leaned against not knowing it was merely a prop.  I made quite a scene trying to stop if from completely falling and breaking.

Lunch time!  Catered - 3 different salads, I think 3 different meat dishes, bread, bruschetta (or however you spell it), water, wine, pop, juice, coffee, tea, the list goes on!

The man who captures the magic.

Not sure why it says Bollywood, but the other stuff makes sense.  Apparently at this time we were on Scene 4 Take 1.

That was my day as an actor!  I have another commercial on Sunday for something that I don't know what it is.  I'm sure I'll find out when I get there. 

Hope everyone is having a swell week.

1 comment:

  1. Wine at the catered lunch! You know you are in Europe when....


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