Tuesday 29 March 2011

A few more things.

So back in February I made a post about Belgium breaking the world record for not having a government.  I am very sorry, but I made a mistake!  We just broke the European record.  TODAY we beat the world record. 

Also, after a countless amount of times of picking it up, getting frustrated, putting it down, I have FINALLY mastered the Rubik's Cube.  That is quite the accomplishment for me, as I never thought I'd be able to do it!  I actually learned while Alex and I were traveling through the vineyards of Alsace, France but just remembered to put it up here in my blog.  Let's look at some numbers because I feel proud and I also feel like bragging just a bit. :D

There are exactly 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 different ways a rubik's cube's squares can be oriented.  There is only one solution.  In easier (maybe) terms that is just around 43 quintillion.

The youngest person to ever solve a cube was a 3 year old named Yuhan Shi from China.  The oldest was a 90 year old.

Only 5.8% of people in the world are able to solve the traditional 3x3 Rubik's Cube.

As of January of 2009, 350,000,000 Rubik's Cubes had been sold.

One more statistic - I am 100% tired of looking up statistics.  Here's a picture I took of my first solved Rubik's Cube.

The effect I added to everything here except the Rubik's Cube is supposed to show that for a while there, I couldn't focus on anything else until I solved it!

Alright, that's all.

P.S.  I'll let you in on a secret of mine - my record for blog posts in one month was 21 posts in one month.  That was November of 2009 of my Blog "Ian Kivell - Adventures in Korea".  I'm at 20 for March now!  That means tomorrow I'll have to post if I want to tie my record, and then I'll have to post again on the 31st if I want to beat my record!

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