Tuesday 8 March 2011

Pencil Crayons

There is graffiti everywhere.  I remember Granada being just covered in it.  Here isn't as bad, but there is certainly a lot of it.  Some of it is ugly tagging that makes the city look trashy, but there are some nice ones too.  When I first got here I started to notice that there were themes in the graffiti.  Specifically, there are these little pencil crayons all over the city.  I have found about 8, and am always looking for more.  Here's what I've found so far:

Yup, so that's what I have so far.  I think they're mostly in Etterbeek (my neighbourhood), but perhaps also in Ixelles (the neighbouring neighbourhood).

In other news, I'm going to the Carnaval of Binche today!  Pictures to come!


  1. Any idea what the pencil crayons mean?

    PS. Uncle Paul.....When you hit the button that says "Post Comment" and a short line appears just hit "Post Comment" again. Sometimes I have to do it three times before it says "Your comment will be posted after approval" or something like that. K.

  2. No idea! I've been told that each graffiti artist has their own thing that they draw. This guy's is pencil crayons. Not sure why!


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