Wednesday 9 March 2011

Carnaval de Binche! Pictures and video!

Yesterday I went to the Carnaval de Binche.  Here's the post explaining what it's about.  I took lots of pictures!  Enjoy!  (If you'd like to leave a comment, my previous post explains how!)

 Binche train station

 The Gilles
 This confetti was just everywhere!  I wonder how they clean it up the next day!
Kids playing with the confetti

 This person was in the parking lot of the Museum of Masks
The windows were covered around the city because the people in the parade throw oranges at the crowd!

Gilles in training!

"Who can I hit?"

My orange!!

The police even get in on the festivities!  This one is getting a picture with the Gilles!

I liked this guy because he was handing out the oranges instead of throwing them at us!

Close up of the hats!

 Right, well that's it.  But there's more!!  Here's a video of the festivities!  I didn't have much to work with, but I strung together what I have and I hope you enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. wow! looks like a very interesting parade! I personally liked the random person sitting on the road. He/she doesn't look all that impressed!Cool pictures!


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