Thursday 31 March 2011


Oops, looks like I'll have to make 2 posts today because I forgot to yesterday, if I want to break my record for most posts in a month!  Well, I have started to re-go through my Dad's French text book that he lent me.  It's a Canadian book called En Bons Termes.  Since it's Canadian, there is lots of mention about French Canadian culture, which is interesting for me.  There are also notable language differences.  For example:

Québec says "bicyclette" for bicycle, Europe says "vélo".
Québec says "auto" for car, Europe says "voiture".

Just some examples.  Europe can sometimes use the Québec versions too, but it's much less common.  Another notable difference is that you can say "bonjour" as a greeting and as you're leaving in Québec, while in Europe "bonjour" is strictly for saying hello.

Just some examples of differences!  I've only read the first 2 chapters so I'm sure I'll come across more!

Today I'm going to Exaris, another job placement agency.  Should be fun!  Then Sunday I am going to be in another commercial for GAN, a French insurance company.  It will be filmed at a community pool, but they're going to remake an airport.  That should be interesting to see!

Right, time to go.  Buh bye now everyone!


  1. I didn't know you say bonjour when you are leaving. I just thought you said it as a greeting but I'm from Ontario...

  2. Yes apparently. But only in Québec!


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