Friday 18 March 2011

Some new pics

I don't have any exciting updates, but I do have some more pictures!

One of the streets downtown - restaurants on either side

Then I found an Asian food store and found Kimchi!!!

The mystery has been solved - this is how they clean up all of that confetti!

Going to the park!

This is in a really big forest / park type thing.  Back when the house was lived in, the forest was their personal garden!

It's hard to tell from this, but the deer has been painted on three trees, and you have to stand in the right spot to see it come together

This came out of nowhere, but I like it.

The courtyard of a very old hotel (I think 15th century) close to the Musical Instrument Museum.

This is at the other end of my street.

That's all.  Bye!  Have a good weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pics. I like the one with the deer painted on 3 trees. That is so cool. Also the like the one with the big abandoned house. It looks like something from a scary movie.


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