Thursday 31 March 2011

Number 22!

Yay!  This post officially breaks my record of most posts in one month!  How very, very exciting.  Today I went and registered with a job placement agency.  I had a good feeling after the interview (which was in French!), I think it went well.  Then I got an e-mail today from a private English school, something like what I was working at in Korea.  Then Will (the friend I went to Ghent with) suggested that I work for his old company and gave me an e-mail address to try out.  Sounds like there are lots of opportunities coming my way (HOPEFULLY).

Speaking of Will, he moved.  He is now close (within walking distance... 13 minutes precisely) to where I live.  It's good to have a friend close by.  He is getting a T.V. tomorrow, and he has a Wii so I foresee many a nintendoathon in my future.

That's all!  Hope all is well at home!


  1. Looks like you are closer to getting a job the closer we are getting to come see you. LOL.

  2. I hope I get a job, but I hope I don't have to work when you're here!!


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